- legal recourse for any type of substantial dispute
- annulment petitions in annulment proceedings
- petitions to suspend the onerous results of executive administrative acts (fines, administrative sanctions, etc.)
- exercising applications and remedies
- actions and claims against the Greek State, Local Self-Government Organizations and any other State agency or Public Law Legal Person for any cause or from any legal relation (contractual or employment)
- actions for compensation for illegal acts or omissions by government functionaries (during the execution of their public power)
- legal recourse for members of the armed forces or security forces (transfers, illegal discharge, promotions, etc.)
- legal recourse – actions for pension issues concerning retired members of the armed forces (Court of Auditors)
- issues concerning political and military pensioners (process in the State General Accounting Office)
Aristotelous 11, 546 24, Thessaloniki
Phone center
2310 225 726
2310 508 414
fax 2310 225 726
Photography by Studio Komninos